Lately I have been catching up on a History channel show “Mankind, the story of all of us”and I can’t seem to get enough of it. But the one thing that stands out most about our history as portrayed here, is that we are all killers. Every civilization since the beginning of time has killed to expand their religion, territory etc..I couldn’t help but notice that with each episode, one tribe, one civilization, one religious group or even people from the same community, inevitably turn on each.
We have been killing each other for centuries and way before the gun was invented. The gun perhaps has made it easier for evil men to do harm to another, but what if your not evil? How does one protect themselves against such?
I know the arguments for gun control but none of them make sense to me. They always seem to hurt the innocent more than the guilty. With each new gun control law that is passed, it seems our civilization gets worse in spite of the tougher laws. Probably because the laws only make it harder for good people to obtain guns. I always said that no matter how tough the law it won’t stop the bad guy because he doesn’t file for a permit, clear the wait period and then buy his gun in a store such as Dicks sporting goods. Bad guys will always have guns but with each new “tough “law, the good guys lose.
Perhaps the most important thing that Americans fail to realize is that with each new law that is passed we lose more and more of our rights as Americans. The politicians who would champion tough gun laws, need not worry about protecting themselves as they won’t have to surrender their guns. Its just like the healthcare reform. Pass a new law that doesn’t pertain to them. Sure its always “best ” for us, but not good enough for them.
Its time that people start doing their homework and open up their eyes to what is happening around us. This isn’t about saving lives, this is about controlling them. Did everyone forget why our Bill of Rights was written? Did everyone forget how we fought our government to be free from England’s rule? Did everyone forget the saying ” if you don’t learn from history your destined to repeat it?” Yeah, I know its all conspiracy theory, right? That’s always the way peoples rights are taken away. Everyone’s so busy with their lives that most of us just stand by and watch this happen until its too late.
Guns don’t kill, people do. Watch that History channel show and witness just how evil people are and don’t be so surprised when you wake up one day and this country is no longer what it was meant to be. History always has a way of repeating itself and governments just love to rule.
Fair warning. Just one man’s opinion…..
The Regular Guy
Spot on.
thanks …